2 groups of striped dolphins
3 fin whales, 1 group of striped dolphins (15-10)
1 sperm whale, 1 group of bottlenose dolphins (8-5), 1 group of pilot whales (8-3), 1 groups of striped dolphins (60-40), 1 loggerhead sea turtle,1 sun fish, 2 scopoli's shearwaters, 9 mediterranean shearwaters
3 groups of striped dolphins, 1 loggerhead sea turtle, 1 scopoli's shearwater, 10 mediterranean shearwaters
2 groups of striped dolphins(4)(50), 2 loggerhead sea turtles
No sightings
1 group of striped dolphins(20-30), 1 storm petrel, 1 scopoli's shearwater
4 groups of striped dolphins, 9 mediterranean shearwaters
1 group of pilot whale (about 100, approached 40), 1 group of bottlenose dolphin (10-15), 3 groups of striped dolphin, 2 common tern
1 fin whale, 1 group of pilot whale (about 100), 3 groups of striped dolphin, 1 mobula ray, 5 loggerhead sea turtles
1 fin whale, 1 group of pilot whale (4), 2 loggerhead sea turtles, 1 mediterranean spearfish, 15 scopoli's shearwaters
1 group of striped dolphin (3-5), 1 sunfish, 1 scopoli's shearwater
1 fin whale, 1 group of striped dolphin (8-12), 17 loggerhead sea turtles, more than 10 mobula rays, 1 Mediterranean gull
1 group of striped dolphin (15-20)
1 loggerhead sea turtle, 1 common tern, 3 storm petrels
1 sperm whale, 1 bottlenose dolphin, 1 group of striped dolphin (45-50), 1 common tern
1 group of striped dolphins (15-20), 7 black terns
1 fin whale, 2 groups of striped dolphins (40-50), 1 storm petrel, 5 shearwaters
1 group of striped dolphins (2-4), 2 loggerhead sea turtles
3 fin whales, 1 group of striped dolphin (15), 6 gannets, 1 loggerhead sea turtle, 1 sunfish
2 fin whales, 2 cuvier's beaked whales
1 group of bottlenose dolphin (15), 1 fin whale, 1 blue shark, 1 Mediterranean gull , 2 loggerhead sea turtle, many sunfish
2 group of striped dolphins (12)(15), 1 loggerhead sea turtle, 2 sunfish
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