Enviromental education 

Promoting sustainable development through education
The objective of environmental educations is not that of spreading simple environmental or scientific notions, but it is aimed at arousing major knowledge in citizens about the problems that the environment is facing, and to provoke the ability and the will to react to the degradation.
It is our belief that making Environmental Education means finding new contact with reality, especially with the natural world; It also means rediscovering the intensity that only emotions can have by shifting attention from the object (tree, flower, ecosystem ...) to the sensation that they experience in front of it. If it is important to activate attention and curiosity to any phenomenon, it is also important to make the person aware of their feelings, as this allows us to feel what others experience, imagine and share with everything that surrounds us.
These moments favour understanding of events in their environment, socialisation, confrontation of opinions, active participation and acceptance of the other, from nature, embraces history, sociology and ethics; In a word our "being on this planet.
We offer several educational projects for schools, such as:
The Oceanographic museum of Monaco
The Rio Tesoro Fossils
A sea of surprises
A walk with Mother Earth
The Cetaceans of the Ligurian Sea
Fishing in Liguria
Oils and scents of Liguria
Waste into play.
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