Respect, nature and emotions

Modern society imposes on us a fast-paced, stressful type of living, and we spend most our lives in polluted environments. Costa Balenae wants to give you the opportunity to genuinely reconnect with nature and its inhabitants, without filters, so that we may all remember that we are guests on our planet, and that we share it with wonderful creatures like Cetaceans, which most of us have only previously seen in documentaries. A close encounter with whales and dolphins, at sea, is a very powerful experience, and having the guidance of experts who are also passionate about their work adds to the experience, making it unique. The sighting is shared by all participants in the tour, and for that instant in time they become as one, cells of one organism, breathing the same air, partaking in the same sights and emotions... in a symbiosis of sorts between people and nature.

Our mission is to bring adults and children into the wonderful world of cetaceans. We strive to satisfy the growing need for people to stay in touch with nature, while also learning something new. We offer exclusive tours for small groups of people who can thus make the most of our team’s passion and knowledge.

Knowledge, experience, passion
We’re a group of biologists and environmentalists with one great love in common: the sea, and all of its inhabitants. Each of us supplies unique experiences and knowledge, some gathered here in the Ligurian Sea, some travelling around the world. As biologists and environmental scientists, we can guide you to discover the Ligurian Sea, its unique environment and the species that inhabit it. As fellow human beings, we can share with you the excitement of encountering extraordinary animals in their natural habitat--it may sound hard to believe, but even when this is your job, with cetacean sightings, every time is the first time. We all experience a different emotion, a new joy, that sheds a positive light on the future.

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